Year 2

Class Name: Rowan

Year Group: 2

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Welcome to Year 2, also known as Rowan class

Being the eldest pupils in Key Stage 1 comes the responsibility of setting a good example to those lower down school and demonstrating the Learning Behaviours we aim to develop throughout school, such as resilience, determination, responsibility and collaboration.

As we prepare for the end of Key Stage assessments, pupils in Year 2 learn many new skills in independent and peer learning that will take them through to Key Stage 2.

Our learning is primarily text based, with our class book linked to our Learning Challenges.

Our Learning Challenges include; The Great Fire of London, Africa and a local study of Mexborough. These are just a few!

Year 2 are the first year to learn a musical instrument, with all pupils getting the opportunity to learn the recorder in the Spring and Summer terms.

Rowan Class is an exciting and stimulating place to be where learning is interactive, engaging and most of all fun!

Home Learning


Please read at least 3 times a week –fill in the reading journal and return to school every Thursday to be checked. Reading books will also be changed every Thursday. Your child will get a book linked to their phonics reading level as well as an own choice book from the library.


A spelling activity will be set every Monday to be completed at home. Children will be tested on these spelling rules on the following Monday.

Other home-learning :

An activity mat of home-learning activities linked to the learning challenge will be sent home at the beginning of each half term.


Our learning for this term…

1/2 term plans will appear here

Spelling lists for the year

This list is a guide to the type of words children will need to spell at the end of KS1. It is important that pupils also recognise the different spelling patterns.


Teacher & Staff

Mr M Smith

Year 2 Teaching Assistant

Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs G Hawley

Lunchtime Play Leader

Year 2

Ms S Adams

Year 2 Teacher

Senior Leadership Team

KS1 Lead

Miss C Swann

Nursery and Year 2 Teaching Assistant